The Conspiracy


Canada | 2012 | Directed by Christopher MacBride

Logline: Two intrepid filmmakers embark on a documentary mission to uncover the truth behind a secret society and find themselves in danger.

Conspiracy theories keep the world afloat, but increasingly the boat is rocked, and for some it is most definitely sinking. That the world’s ultimate power rests in the hands of just a few is the most widely spread conspiracy theory, and this brethren is pushing steadfast for a “new world order”. Every few years or so the world is distracted by another conspiracy, usually some kind of ominous catastrophe, such as “9/11”, whilst the ancient conspirators continue to plough on, digging deeper, shaking more hands.

Aaron (Aaron Poole) and Jim (Jim Gilbert) are making a documentary about a conspiracy nut called Terrance G. (Alan C. Peterson), who lives in a small downtown Manhattan apartment covered floor to ceiling with newspaper clippings. Terrance spends his time both mapping out degrees of separation between suspicious incidents, Government legislation, world events, and people of interest, and ranting through a loudspeaker on the street or in a city park.


Then Terrance vanishes.

Aaron and Jim take it upon themselves, and as a duty to their documentary, to find out what happened. They are introduced to the Mithras mythology, and to a very old secret society known as Tarsus. Soon enough they are equipped with tiny hidden cameras attached to their ties, and are infiltrating a clandestine event via acquired underground information.


Of course, it all goes terribly awry.

Christopher MacBride has fashioned a mockumentary, but this is no laughing matter. What begins as a genuine documentary (albeit faux) then segues into a found footage nightmare movie. The tension is ramped up, and the suspense during the movie’s final fifteen minutes is as palpable as The Blair Witch Project (1999). This is one conspiracy with frightening echoes of ancient ritualistic sacrifice.


Great use of location shooting, and solid performances, especially that of Aaron Poole, whom was excellent in the recent Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh (2012). Despite guessing the denouement well in advance, I was still pleasantly surprised at the tweak MacBride gave it, which fueled the movie’s original premise, and provided a mysterious edge to end on.

The Conspiracy DVD is released on September 18 by Accent Film Entertainment.